Thursday, 29 July 2021

AD: Guide to Create Custom Attribute to User Class


Make sure you login as member of Schema Admins.

To enable the Active Directory schema for the first time:

  1. Open an Elevated Command Prompt.

Run the following command:
regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll

A confirmation message is displayed:

To create a new Attribute:

  1. Once you've received the confirmation message, enter the command 'mmc' into the command prompt window to open up a new Microsoft Management Console window.

  2. Choose File > Add or Remove Snap-ins then select the Active Directory Schema option. Double-click or click Add then click OK to load the Snap-in.

3. Once the Snap-in has been loaded, expand this out, right-click on the Attributes entry then select Create Attribute... to continue.

4. Please ensure you read and fully understand the warning as you will not be able to delete created attributes.

5. Please ensure you read and fully understand the warning as you will not be able to delete created attributes.

6. You can retrieve Unique X500 Object ID from here by running the oidgen.vbs.


To Add a new attribute to the User Class:

  1. From the left-hand pane in the console, expand the Classes folder, locate the user class, then right-click and select Properties. The user Properties window is displayed.

  2. Open the Attributes tab then click Add...

  3. Search for the name of your new attribute, highlight this and click OK twice to save the change.

    Warning: These changes can take a few minutes to come into effect within your Active Directory.

    Restart Active Directory Domain Services for immediate effect in your lab. 

  4. You will be able to update the data for this new field within the Attribute Editor tab of a users Active Directory entry.

    Learning something everyday !

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Orchestrator: Runbook Designer throw error "The server threw an exception"

After installed Microsoft System Center Orchestrator 2019 Update Rollup 2, connection error when launch Runbook Designer.

Event ID 10007 found with error Application or service 'Orchestrator Runbook Service' could not be restarted.

I missed the Important section :

Microsoft OLE DB Driver already installed for SQL Server 2019.

One more step that need to be done. Reconfigure the Orchestrator database by using Data Source Configuration.

After completed the step below for Data Source Configuration. Runbook Designer is working good now.

Friday, 16 July 2021

SCSM : Data Warehouse Reporting MP Deployment Failed

Microsoft System Center Service Manager (SCSM) 2019 Data Warehouse Management Packs Deployment status was Failed for all the Report Library.

Below is the Operations Manager event logs for management pack error found on Data Warehouse Management Server.

Error Detail:

Deployment Execution Infrastructure has retried the maximum number of times and is giving up on this execution step.

MP Name: ServiceManager.ConfigurationManagement.Report.Library

Operation: Install

Error Message: Install 'Rpdl' operation failed from within 'install' rpdl store = http://servername/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx .... Uploading or saving files with .rpdl extension is not allowed.


SSRS 2017 version 14.0.600.1274 and later version include a new advanced settings AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload. This setting restricts the set of extensions of resource files that can be uploaded to the report server. This issue occurs because Service Manager Reporting uses extensions that aren't included in the default set in AllowResourceExtensionsForUpload.

Add *.* to the list of extensions. 

1. Start SQL Server Management Studio, connect to report server instance.
2. Right click the report server name, select Properties and select Advanced.
3. Locate AllowResourceExtensionsForUpload settings, add "." to the list of extension then click OK.
4. No restart reporting services required.
5. Restart Deployment for the failed 

Hooray ! All Reports Library deployment are completed.


Wednesday, 14 July 2021

SCSM: An error occurred while executing a custom action:_CreateSrsFolder_SC

Installing Microsoft System Center Service Manager (SCSM) 2019 Data Warehouse server today. 

 An error occurred while executing a custom action:_CreateSrsFolder_SC

1. Make sure SQL Server Reporting Services is running. (Release Notes)
2. Verify if able to access http://ServerName:80/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx
3. If prompt for login for http://ServerName:80/Reports, add server name to Internet Options Local Intranet.

That solved my problem and installation completed without error.

Friday, 9 July 2021

Where is find SQL Server Product Key from ISO

 When installing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Reporting Services, it prompt to enter the product key.

Do you know that actually the product key can be retrieve from ISO ?

Let me guide you where to find it.

Navigate to x64 folder from SQL Server ISO. Open DefaultSetup.ini with Notepad.

Here is your product key !

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Shared Feature Directory is disabled and NOT EDITABLE

Install SQL from a fresh VM but weird why it not allowed me to change the directory for Shared Feature Directory ?

Erm, after google and found comment about if there are any shared components installed on a server in the default path, then we will not be able to change the default shared future path.

Found the culprit !

After removed SQL related application, Shared Feature Directory is editable now !

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Empty Recycle Bin in Hidden Folder

After delete files from computer, you need to Empty Recycle Bin to free up disk space.

Once you have done the step above, the Empty Recycle Bin option will be greyed-out for selection.

If you still found hidden $Recycle.Bin folder in your drive, you can execute the command below as Administrator via Command Prompt.


This will make sure your data is deleted and free up the available disk space . 

Monday, 5 July 2021

Reclaim disk space after deleting files from Windows Server Deduplication

Clean up a drive and empty it but still it show space used.

There is a command that need to execute to recover the disk space using PowerShell.

Start-DedupJob -Type GarbageCollection -Volume R:

You can using the command below to track the progress.


Once the job completed, you will have all the free disk space back !