Wednesday, 22 September 2021

PowerApps Portal: How to Add Favicon

 To add favicon into PowerApps Portal.

  1. Prepare .ICO file before proceed further. you can use any online site to convert the file. I tried that but not sacrificed with outcome which larger file size from original.

    Tips: just rename .PNG to .ICON will do

  2. You can download it from website as well.

    Quick hack :
    • Enter the domain name like end with '/')
    • Add favicon.ico to the end
    • Press enter (this should be in the URL:
    • Right click on the image and click "save image as"

  3. Go to Portal Management Model Driven App and go to Web Files and create new Web File Record. Upload favicon.ico into Notes and published.

  4. Now you will see your Favicon

IIS: Accidentally deleted IIS Binding Port 80

After added HTTPS port for IIS Website, usually I'll remove default port 80. 

Sometime i did regret that deleted it. Reason is when add back the port 80, can't proceed to enter OK with empty hostname.

Spend some time to google but no luck. Go back to the create new Port 80 and enter hostname with URL name. 

Still that not resolve the issue yet. No issue to access the portal from URL name. 

But by hostname and localhost not going to work. 

Go back to Binding setting and try to remove the Host name entered earlier.

Wow ! I'm able to remove the host name and click OK now. 

Keep the post for myself and it could save your time too.

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Orchestrator: Runbook Error "The term Get-SCSMObject is not recognized as the name of a cmlet..."

Working on a project to upgrade System Center Service Manager (SCSM) and Orchestrator (SCO) 2019 recently, seeing a familiar error message from Orchestrator Runbook again.

Runbook activity show Failed.

Error : The tern 'Get-SCSMObject' is not recognized as the name of a cmlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

Resolution: Copy SMLets Folder from System32 to SysWOW64 !





Happily see the activity completed success now !