Monday, 30 April 2012

Merging obsolete records in Configuration Manager 2007


To setup training room for my company, I need to reinstall windows as per needed. Common issue was console will automatically create new client records for duplicate hardware IDs. To overcome this, a script will do a clean up job for us.

Followed Jörgen Nilsson’s blog, and it’s work for me.

Below is the step:

1. Download script from here or Skydrive and save into C:\SCCMTools

2.  Go to Site Settings, create New Status Filter Rules











3. Key in the value as below.

    Message ID : 2642


4. Change tab to Actions, update Run a program
    (OS x86) cscript.exe C:\SCCMTools\merge.vbs    
    (OS x64) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe C:\SCCMTools\merge.vbs


4. Change the site settings to “Manually resolve conflicting records” under the Advanced tab in site properties in the SCCM Console.


Done and no more obsolete records.

Disabling the firewall in Windows Server 2008 Core Edition


For certain reason, system administrator always prefer to disable the windows firewall. You can do this with the following Netsh command:

[netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off]

Now the Windows Firewall is disabled for all network profiles.


C:\Users\Administrator>netsh advfirewall show

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
show allprofiles - Displays properties for all profiles.
show currentprofile - Displays properties for the active profile.
show domainprofile - Displays properties for the domain properties.
show global    - Displays the global properties.
show privateprofile - Displays properties for the private profile.
show publicprofile - Displays properties for the public profile.
show store     - Displays the policy store for the current interactive session.


Visit TechNet for more information about Netsh in the advfirewall context.

Friday, 13 April 2012

SCCM: Physical Memory and Memory Slots Hardware Inventory extension


This will be my first assignment on reporting in SCCM. Find out the details as below:

  • The total amount of DIMM-Slots
  • The free amount of DIMM-Slots

After reading Sherry Kissinger’s blog. I managed to pull the RAM information with SCCM.

What you need to do is to modify the SMS_DEF.MOF which is located in the following location: <smsinstalldir>\inboxes\clifiles.src\hinv

Just add the following code at the bottom of the MOF-File and save it.

//Physical Memory

[SMS_Report (TRUE),
SMS_Group_Name ("Physical Memory"),
SMS_Class_ID   ("Microsoft|Physical_Memory|1.0")]
class Win32_PhysicalMemory : SMS_Class_Template
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] string BankLabel;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Units("Megabytes")]  uint64 Capacity;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] string Caption;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] string DeviceLocator[];  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] uint16 FormFactor;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] string Manufacturer;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] uint16 MemoryType;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] uint32 PositionInRow;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] uint32 Speed;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE),Key] string    Tag;  
                [SMS_Report (TRUE),Key] string    CreationClassName;

// Physical Memory Array

[SMS_Report (TRUE),
SMS_Group_Name ("Physical Memory Array"),
SMS_Class_ID   ("Microsoft|Physical_Memory_Array|1.0")]
class Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray : SMS_Class_Template
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string Caption;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string CreationClassName;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string Description;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] uint16 Location;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string Manufacturer;
                [SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Units("Megabytes")] uint32 MaxCapacity;
                [SMS_Report (TRUE)] uint16 MemoryDevices;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] uint16 MemoryErrorCorrection;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string Model;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string Name;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string OtherIdentifyingInfo;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string PartNumber;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] boolean PoweredOn;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] boolean Removable;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] boolean Replaceable;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string SerialNumber;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string SKU;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string Status;
                [SMS_Report (TRUE), Key] string Tag;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] uint16 Use;
                [SMS_Report (FALSE)] string Version;

SQL statement for Report

select sys.netbios_name0, mem.banklabel0 [Bank Label], mem.capacity0 [Capacity in MB], mem.FormFactor0 [Form Factor],
MEM.memorytype0 [Memory Type], mem.tag0 [TAG] from v_gs_physical_memory as MEM
inner join v_r_system as SYS on SYS.resourceid=MEM.resourceid
sys.netbios_name0 = @compname
order by MEM.tag0

select MEMA.MemoryDevices0 [Total Number of Memory Slots] from v_gs_physical_memory_array as MEMA
inner join v_r_system as SYS on SYS.resourceid=MEMA.resourceid
sys.netbios_name0 = @compname

select mema.memoryDevices0 - Count(mem.tag0) [Number of Free Slots available] from v_gs_physical_memory as MEM
inner join v_r_system as SYS on SYS.resourceid=MEM.resourceid
inner join v_gs_physical_memory_array as MEMA on sys.resourceid=mema.resourceid
sys.netbios_name0 = @compname
group by mema.memorydevices0

With a prompt for compname, provide and sql statement of:

if (@__filterwildcard = '')
  SELECT DISTINCT SYS.Netbios_Name0 from v_R_System SYS ORDER By SYS.Netbios_Name0
  SELECT DISTINCT SYS.Netbios_Name0 from v_R_System SYS
  WHERE SYS.Netbios_Name0 like @__filterwildcard
  ORDER By SYS.Netbios_Name0

This will be the result of the Physical Memory Inventory Report.


Download: Physical Memory MOF
                  Physical Memory Report